
Standing up in the cot and other mucking around

Just when we thought we got baby sleeping like.... a baby... we've hit a glitch. Whenever we try to put baby to sleep, he keeps standing up in the cot. Not only that, but the lovely little story time we used to have before bed, which used to make baby nice and sleepy, is failing miserably. Instead, he's squirming out of our arms and running around all over the room. It's become a real struggle to get to sleep.

Here's what we're working on now:

1. Prepare the bedroom as usual (draw blinds etc)
- Close the door so baby can't escape the room
- Sit on the floor, and encourage baby to sit with you to read (but don't force it)
- Allow baby to wander around the room at will. If baby shows interest, and you feel like it, you can read their book out loud

2. After about 10 or 15 minutes of letting them tool around, tell baby it's now time for sleep and place baby lying down in the cot
- If you think it's appropriate, leave the room (if you've already trained them to go to sleep on their own) to give them a chance to self-settle. I let our one work up a grizzle for a minute or two before going back in - not a roaring cry - it's up to you
- Go back in and settle baby. Try not to pick baby up or talk to them much - just place them gently back down on their back
- Try offering a sip of water

3. Sit, stand or lie down next to the cot.
- Every time baby stands (or sits, depending on what you think is right) gently place baby lying down
- Lying down next to the cot seems to work quite well once baby is starting to get a bit tired. It's demonstrating to baby the behaviour you're trying to encourage. Close your eyes, and pretend (or actually) sleep. You might find holding baby's hand through the bars of the cot helps too
- If they're still getting up, sometimes it can calm them by holding baby down gently and patting their bum or the mattress
- After a few repetitions of placing baby down, I found that every time I went to lean over the cot to place him down, he'd automatically lie down himself
- Eventually (hopefully) baby gets the message and stays down

Good luck!

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